Shop my favorite health & wellness products
Mitolife Supplements
Mitolife’s PUFA Protect is the Vitamin E product that I recommend the most. Shop the link below and use code: KAELYRD to save 15% off!
Paleovalley Products
I’m a big fan of a variety of Paleovalley’s products including their bone broth protein, beef sticks, organ complex, essential C complex, supergreens, etc. Shop the link below to save 15% off!
Risewell Products
Support your oral microbiome by using my go-to brand for toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash. RiseWell’s toothpaste is fluoride-free and contains the active ingredient hydroxyapatite which naturally strengthens, whitens, and restores your teeth. Shop the link below and use code: KAELYRD10 to save 10% off!
Organifi Juices
If you follow me on Instagram, you might know that I love Organifi’s Red Juice as it contains red polyphenols that feed good gut bacteria. The Green Juice is also another very convenient way to boost your “superfood” intake. Shop the link below and use code: KAELYRD to save 15% off!
Fond Bone Broth
Fond Bone Broth is by far one of my favorite pantry staples! Bump up your protein intake and support your gut health whether drinking alone or incorporating into different recipes. Shop the link below and use code: KAELYRD to save 20% off your first order and 5% off your first subscription order!
Thrive Market
Think of Thrive Market like Amazon x Costco for healthy foods. It is a great place to save money on specialty grocery and household items! This is where I get a lot of my pantry staples and chemical-free personal care and household cleaners. Plus, it’s a great way to try new things as there are always free gifts to try out with each purchase. Shop the link below and save 25% off your first order!
Daysy Fertility Tracker
I am PASSIONATE about helping women find the solutions that work best for their body. For me, that’s Daysy. It gives me the peace of mind and ease of use that I’m looking for in a birth control method without the horrible side effects I experienced on the pill. Shop the link below or enter DaysyUS+44 at checkout to save $20!
FullWell Prenatal
Shop the link below and use code: KAELY10 to save 10% your first order!
Mountain Rose Herbs
Jigsaw Health Electrolytes
Properly hydrating with minerals/electrolytes is important for everyone, regardless of their activity level. Your metabolism, energy levels, digestion, and adrenals all heavily rely upon minerals. Support your body’s mineral status with a variety of Jigsaw Health’s products. Shop the link below and use code: KAELYRD to save $10 off!
Fullscript Supplement Dispensary
The quality of the supplements you take makes ALL the difference. You want them to be pure, safe and effective. I only recommend pharmaceutical-grade supplements to my clients (and friends/family) because I know without a doubt that they meet the criteria of a high quality supplement. Shop the link below to create an account and shop my favorite supplements!
RAYVI’s hydration mixes are made with simple ingredients and rich in the mineral potassium. Flavor options include: Pineapple, Raspberry Hibiscus Mint, and Turmeric Ginger.
Fontana Candle Company
Shop the link below and use code: KAELYRD to save 15% off!
Sleep & Glow
Shop the link below and use code: Kaely10 to save 10% off!
Just Ingredients
Shop the link below and use code: Kaely to save 10% off!
Shop the link below and use code: KAELYRD to save 10% off!
Glow by Hormone University
Shop the link below and use code: KAELYRD10 to save 10% off!
Dryft Sleep
Shop the link below and use code: KAELYRD to save 10% off!
Sensate is basically a biohacking meditation tool that tones the vagus nerve to promote relaxation. I’ve found it to be extremely helpful during busy work days, supportive of restful sleep, + MORE! Shop the link below and use code: KAELY to save 10% off!
Heart & Soil
Shop the link below and use code: KAELY10 to save 10% off!
Vital-Side Rewire & Reboot
Shop the link below and use code: KaelyRD10 to save 10% off!