The Do's and Don'ts of Supporting Your Metabolism
If you’ve been following along on my Instagram @kaelyrd, then you know I’ve been all about sharing the importance of supporting your body’s metabolism!
Because your metabolism is about SO MUCH MORE than just your ability to lose weight or “burn” calories!
Why is Your Metabolism Important?
If you Google the definition of metabolism, you will find that it is “the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life.” Yes, your metabolism is the TOTAL of all cellular processes going on in your cells 24/7 that sustain you.
Because, at the end of the day, your metabolism is beyond important for…
Making energy (ATP)
Producing hormones
Skin health
Hair growth
You name’s impacted by your metabolism!
This list also shows you why it’s so important to know how to properly support your metabolism (above and beyond the common recommendations related to your metabolism = your ability to lose weight or “burn” calories)!
So to begin, let’s dive into the DON’TS OF SUPPORTING YOUR METABOLISM because surprisingly these are often recommendations commonly shared to “support your metabolism” but instead it’s important to know that they actually DON’T support your body’s ability to maintain life. Often these recommendations stem from restriction, hustle, or having to “earn” your calories; however, when our bodies’ basic energetic needs aren’t being met, our bodies look to slow down our metabolism to conserve energy. So please know that following any of the below recommendations for an extended period of time does not support your metabolism for the long term.
The Don’ts of Supporting Your Metabolism:
Restricting your calories or following a low calorie diet - Does anyone remember the common 1,200 kcal daily recommendation for women? Ladies, let’s forever recognize or continue to recognize from this point further that 1,200 kcal does not sustain our daily energetic needs!
Regularly participating in intense exercise without proper recovery - Ex. HIIT, chronic cardio. You need to properly fuel and recover from your workouts. Otherwise, your body will look to break down versus build muscle.
Not getting adequate sleep - Sleep must be a daily priority. Although you might not perceive that your body is working “hard” while sleeping, it’s actually doing some pretty important work! When you sleep, your brain cleans itself of metabolic waste products and proteins that ultimately improve your energy and mood for the next day. So instead of prioritizing a workout when you’ve been lacking on sleep, let’s prioritize sleep itself!
Intermittent fasting/blood sugar swings - Maintaining balanced blood sugar levels throughout the course of the day helps keep your body properly fueled and energized! Eating enough also helps your body feel safe so that it doesn’t have to slow down your metabolism in order to conserve energy.
Not prioritizing nutrient density - Micronutrients play such a key role in a healthy metabolism. They support all metabolic pathways to help make energy, produce hormones, promote growth, mood, a healthy libido + so much more! So when it comes to your metabolic health, instead of focusing on calories, aim to focus on the nutrient density of the foods you are consuming.
Not addressing your stress - Last but certainly not least! Your body will not feel safe and supported to function optimally if you haven’t addressed your body’s stress response. When chronically stressed, your body also “burns” through nutrients faster posing risk for nutrient deficiencies that leave your body feeling depleted versus supported and energized.
So instead, when it comes to supporting your metabolism, you’re looking to play the long game. XXX the “quick fixes” and aim for consistency with the DO’S OF SUPPORTING YOUR METABOLISM. Overall, these metabolic recommendations will translate into great energy, happy hormones, a healthy sex drive, glowing skin, health hair, and easy weight maintenance as you aim to keep your body feeling safe and supported!
The Do’s of Supporting Your Metabolism:
Eating enough! - This will vary based on your lifestyle, job, activity levels, stress levels, etc. The important thing to know though is that you know your body best! Tune into your body’s hunger cues. Tune into your body’s energy levels. And know that not every day will look the same when it comes to fueling your body. Listen and adapt based on your daily needs.
Supporting stable blood sugar - This looks like eating a source of protein + fat + carb every 3-4 hours. This is your permission slip to eat a snack on the daily. We’re looking to properly fuel our bodies throughout the course of the day to avoid hanger and blood sugar crashes.
Building muscle - Muscle is metabolically active. By increasing your muscle mass, you’re supporting your body’s ability to utilize energy.
Sleeping 8-9 hours - As shared above, sleep is when your brain cleans itself of metabolic waste products and proteins that ultimately improve your energy and mood for the next day. Increased energy and mood are two telltale signs that your metabolism is being supported.
Minding your micronutrients - Micronutrients support your metabolism on the cellular level. By prioritizing foods rich in vitamins and minerals on the daily, you’re prioritizing your body’s metabolism.
Managing stress - Metabolic healing cannot occur if your body is chronically stressed. Managing our stress levels is key. Prioritize time for relaxation. Prioritize time for fun. Connect with loved ones. Journal. Make sure the sole focus of your day-to-day isn’t hustling away. Trust me, your metabolism will thank you!
So now that you know all the basic Do’s and Don’ts of Supporting Your Metabolism, how do you know if your metabolism needs a little TLC? Below you will find a list of non-scale symptoms that you can track to tune into how well your metabolism is being supported. When you’re ready, feel free to go through the following assessment judgement-free to gauge your body’s need for support!
Metabolism Self Assessment:
Basal Body Temperature: 97+ F in the morning and peaking later in the day
Appetite: Waking with an appetite in the morning ready to eat for breakfast along with noticeable hunger cues at meal times
Energy: Consistent energy throughout the day with no major crashes and an interest in being active
Hormones: Regular, symptom-free cycles and a healthy sex drive
Digestion: 1-3 daily bowel movements with no major bloating or other undesirable GI symptoms
Body Composition: Does not require drastic efforts to make changes in and can maintain a healthy body composition with ease
Please note: If you went through this assessment and recognized areas for improvement, don’t get yourself down - get yourself excited! Scroll back up to The Do’s of Supporting Your Metabolism and decide which bullet point you first want to take action on! Again, when it comes to supporting your metabolism, we’re in it for consistency and the long haul. Start simple and sustainable! Below you will find 3 Quick Action Steps for Supporting Your Metabolism. Grab your phone or planner and jot the following reminders down.
3 Quick Action Steps for Supporting Your Metabolism:
Eat breakfast within 1 hour of waking and plan to eat a source of protein + fat + carb every 3-4 hours throughout the remainder of the day
Manage your stress levels by scheduling 30 minutes to 1 hour of relaxation or fun each day
Set a bedtime alarm/reminder
Want to Learn Even More?
Check out my FREE Masterclass Replay: Metabolism 101
And if you start/have started to implement the above Do’s of Supporting Your Metabolism but are still struggling to get your metabolic health in check, please know that we are here to help.
Just fill out this quick application for 1:1 client work. During your free consultation call we’ll chat about your health, how you’re feeling, and get a game plan in place to best start supporting your metabolic health!